Saturday, June 1, 2013

Free Write #2/ Why I Write

I write because i feel like i am putting my emotions into words, onto the page, making them real. When there's something wrong i know that i can do two things to help make everything better. Read or write. I can put my words on the page and if someone reads them they do, but i don't put them there to be read i put them there because it gives me satisfaction that i can see my emotions on a page in words. I know it may not sound right or sound logical but to me it is. I can sit here and type for hours about nothing or about something and i would feel a lot better afterwards. I write to let out my feelings. I sometimes picture me writing like a battle or an adventure, yeah its weird shut up. When I'm angry its like i am going into a battle, my words the sword, the lines and page they are written on my enemy. When I'm depressed or upset, i write about something depressing and put the images in my head like a story, like I'm actually in my writing. It calms me down and makes me feel better most of the time. It's why i get enjoyment out of writing and love being able to read and write. This is a little bit about why i write and what it does for and to me.

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